I know not every one will agree with me, but I LOVE inscriptions in books. I love opening up a book and being reminded of when, why, where and from whom the book came. It is something I continue with my son, indeed whoever I gift a book to. It's a beautiful reminder of our own good stories, our life, every time I see one.
I love opening books up in second hand stores to see if they have another story inside them, "To my wife I love you", "Congrats on your new job", "Happy cooking". It makes these books even more special.
I have a copy of Jackie French's "Diary of a Wombat" which was given to my son by a friend of ours, which she left a message in. She passed away a few years ago and apart from still just enjoying that book I always enjoy seeing her message. It reminds me of happy times with her.
I am also a sucker for having an author signing their books. In grade 5 (1990!) we had Ian Edwards come to our school to promote is book "The Money Eaters". It was one of the few times I was given money to buy something of my choice, and I loved that he signed it for me. I still look at that and smile (and still love reading that book!). As an aside I was lucky enough to have Ian as my year 8 English teacher, a teacher whose efforts have remained with me all these years later.
I am going to be such a dag, but I won't be scared to ask authors to sign my books at the Bendigo Writers Festival, because in the years to come I am going to look back in those books and remember, and smile.