Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Spoilt for choice!

It has finally been released! The program for this years festival that is, and it is a pearler! So many wonderful authors, speakers, illustrators..I could go on. Am I excited? You bet I am. I am making lists aplenty, trying to figure out who to see.

You see there are so many people to see I can barely choose between one speaker and the next. My goodness, how am I going to narrow this down?  Perhaps I can be in more than one place at once?

While I figure it all out you can find the program here.  Maybe I'll see you there?

Monday, 9 June 2014

Inscriptions in books

I know not every one will agree with me, but I LOVE inscriptions in books. I love opening up a book and being reminded of when, why, where and from whom the book came. It is something I continue with my son, indeed whoever I gift a book to.  It's a beautiful reminder of our own good stories, our life, every time I see one.
I love opening books up in second hand stores to see if they have another story inside them, "To my wife I love you", "Congrats on your new job", "Happy cooking". It makes these books even more special. 
I have a copy of Jackie French's "Diary of a Wombat" which was given to my son by a friend of ours, which she left a message in.  She passed away a few years ago and apart from still just enjoying that book I always enjoy seeing her message.  It reminds me of happy times with her.
I am also a sucker for having an author signing their books.  In grade 5 (1990!) we had Ian Edwards come to our school to promote is book "The Money Eaters".  It was one of the few times I was given money to buy something of my choice, and I loved that he signed it for me.  I still look at that and smile (and still love reading that book!).  As an aside I was lucky enough to have Ian as my year 8 English teacher, a teacher whose efforts have remained with me all these years later.
I am going to be such a dag, but I won't be scared to ask authors to sign my books at the Bendigo Writers Festival, because in the years to come I am going to look back in those books and remember, and smile.

Blogging the Festival

Hi there.  I am a student at La Trobe University, and I am thrilled to be part of the subject "Writers in Action".  This subject is based entirely around the Bendigo Writers Festival, a weekend of writerly goodness.  I am going to be lucky enough to spend the whole weekend at the festival rubbing shoulders with amazing wordsmiths, those local and beyond.  This blog is dedicated to my experiences over the weekend of the festival, but I also plan to do some profiling of authors etc. present over the weekend, and with any luck find enough time to read and review some of the works by attendees.
Find out more on the Bendigo Writers Festival here
Discover Bendigo here 
And on La Trobe here