Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Spoilt for choice!

It has finally been released! The program for this years festival that is, and it is a pearler! So many wonderful authors, speakers, illustrators..I could go on. Am I excited? You bet I am. I am making lists aplenty, trying to figure out who to see.

You see there are so many people to see I can barely choose between one speaker and the next. My goodness, how am I going to narrow this down?  Perhaps I can be in more than one place at once?

While I figure it all out you can find the program here.  Maybe I'll see you there?

1 comment:

  1. I am seriously scared by the whole thing. So many great things happening all weekend. But i am worried about the ones we have to see, the ones we should see and the ones WE have to pay for. I'll feel much better once the semester starts and i know what is expected out of us and the subject. However if there are multipul people we both want to see i don't mind splitting with you and pulling our notes together if you like?
