Tuesday, 12 August 2014

What I got out of this years festival

This was my first ever writers festival.  I had no idea what I was getting into, yet I was still excited.  I assumed that I would learn, not sure about what, but learn I would.  I got more out of the festival than that though.

Motivation, togetherness, encouragement, community and a sense of place were the most surprising things that I got out of the festival.  It was exhilarating being around so many talented and enthusiastic people.  I'm not only talking about the presenters and authors but my fellow class mates.  A bunch of really great people with similar purposes, which made for such a supportive environment.  I also felt really supported by the Festival committee, even though they mostly didn't know us by name.  If we were seen around by the committee it was like we were 'in' on this fabulous event.  Amazing!

I loved the fact the no matter who you were at the festival  - from published writer to attendee it was a given that you were one of them.  A writer, a creative person and someone who belonged.  And I believed it too, which is quite something for me.  I was amongst my 'people'.  This allowed me to think creatively in a manner I have never done before, without the shackles of self doubt.  I have been given the tools to write better for university and for other projects.  I have been given the ability to really write for an audience, and for more purpose than I have to.  Now I not only want to write, but I am feeling the need to write.  It's a feeling almost like falling in love, an insatiable need to be near the words, that they have to flow out of me.  Inspiration is striking at many moments and I need to carry around a pen and notepad to write as the words come.

I enjoyed hearing the crowd discuss the sessions they have been to, debating the merits of panels and what was said, what worked and what didn't, discussions fanned from what had been heard within, then further from what others had taken from it.  The whole event was thought provoking, exciting.

From a learning point of view I got some excellent information of crafting the written word, from accessing my creativity to the bones of writing in many different genres.  I was even persuaded that the 'rules' of writing are constantly shifting and changing and to not be a grammar nazi!

I have now a sense of joy that I can associate with writing, a special thing that not everyone can do.  I have a new found respect for those who are lucky enough to write for a living, and an appreciation of how much they share of themselves and their writing at an event such as this.

I am already looking forward to next years event, where I will again be immersed in my 'people'.  Creative types who write, and listen to those who write.  The place where I too am a creative person who writes.

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