Saturday, 11 July 2015

Of course everything is easy. When you know how.

With two new batches of Writers in Action about to start wrting the festival there has been a lot of discussion on 'how to' blog.

It all seems rather easy now - just write.

Of course it if I stretch my mind back to just over a year ago I was feeling just the same as these students, and I know my class mates were too.

It can be difficult to know where to start. After all, there are many things we could write about. That's what is most paralysing when it comes to writing - how do you begin when you don't know where to start?

These days a post comes from one of two areas - because I have been given a task, or inspiration has struck and I can just write

Like any piece of writing it takes planning to write. A blog post is no different than writing an article or an assignment. It has a beginning, a middle and an end.

I put some thoughts down, word after word. Sometimes the words just flow, and sometimes they take some cobbling together. It also helps to let the words sleep. Let them rest, and come back to them with fresh eyes.

Writing takes practice, and the more practice you get the easier it becomes. A bit like riding a bike really.

So, for WiA of 2015, start off with small posts, even if they are only 100 words. Get a feel for it. Try different styles, keep practicing until you find your voice. Read each others blogs and see what makes each other tick. The words will come, your voice will get louder, and before you know it you will have a blog.

What is hard becomes easy. When you know how. All it takes is practice.

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