Friday 24 July 2015

The words to come

I'm writing an essay. Well, I have been researching and writing a little, and I'm going to get back to it soon.

But while I was formulating what wanted to be written I got to thinking about my writing process. 

I tend to worry a bit over the words, teasing them apart, willing them into existence. While sometimes the words come easy at other times I fret over them far too much. Quite silly really, and I say this because once they are written the words sit there proudly on the page. They flow well, they make sense and they mean something.

Hopefully the time will come when I can just give myself over to the words, and take the advice that I give to others when they think they don't know what to write.

Relax, the words will come. They are there, they just haven't been written yet.

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